Liberalsneedtofightagainfor liberalism. But we are out of practice and out of shape. Compared with the earthy, emotional appeal of populist leaders, liberals come across as bloodless technocrats.
Jul 16, 2024Liberalsneedto start messaging and fighting like we get this fact. The task at hand for the Democrats is rooting their messages in compelling narratives that establish their reputations as patriots, unifiers of the nation and guardians of national values.
May 20, 2024Liberalvalues and practices allow their most fervent critics a livelihood and a life—which they believe will somehow magically be reconstituted "after liberalism." They won't be.
Oct 30, 2024Liberalism, he believes, can be a way of life - and by cultivating it, liberals can become better liberals. In turn, they can save liberalism from its foes. Being a liberal takes work.
Liberalsneedto spend less time dismissing their critics as fools and bigots and more fixing what is wrong. The true spirit of liberalism is not self-preserving, but radical and disruptive.
If liberal norms and institutions are to prevail, they needto be defended from the left and the right. By Ghia Nodia. August 2023. A lmost everywhere, liberals — meaning those who follow the traditions of classical liberalism and the Enlightenment — are gloomy, and with reason. In one Western country after another, what used to be an effective and, broadly speaking, "liberal ...
Oct 2, 2021America in 2021 is the country that liberals in the Bush era pined for. ... G.O.P. rallying so-called values voters, a Christian and churchgoing voting bloc, against secularism, sexual liberation ...
Liberal democrats needto make it clear that we get nowhere by blaming others, and that assuming shared responsibility is the only way to build a better shared future. Of course, economic and political reforms that reduce inequality of income and power are indispensable both for their own sake and to make appeals to shared sacrifice credible.
Jan 9, 2024Liberalism, I argued, is not what Americans usually think it is, because their country's history is unique. What liberals share is trust in human beings to decide things for themselves.
Liberals used to be famous for battling each other as much as their opponents on the far left and far right. After all, liberalism is a complex tradition with many strands and internal tensions.
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